Who says small foreheads have fewer hairstyles to wear? Your forehead, sure, may not be your best feature; a ‘bang-on’ snip, however, may just end up highlighting your features! Handpicked hairstyles that profile your face to a T … to flaunt your [hair]style statement like a runway diva! …
Have you ever stood before the mirror and asked, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is fairest of them all?” Well, if you have, then my curiosity meter has achieved a boost. I am game to know what the answer was! Was it ‘You’ or the ‘Mirror’? If the answer is ‘You’, cheers! You are in for a treat, my friend!
However, if the mirror screamed ‘Mirror’, then it’s time you wear your cognitive cap. What is it in your appearance that is playing spoil sport? What is that one factor that is defying your beauty and defiling your confidence? Think … And observe. Is it your hairstyle and your small forehead that turns your best friend — the mirror, against you? If you nod your head in affirmation, then here are some frequently asked questions that you could refer to, and understand which hairstyles are best suited for small foreheads.
Q2: I have come to realize that the wrong hairdo is playing havoc with my features. I have a long face? Please Suggest.
A2:I cannot do justice to your question as you have failed to mention the type of forehead you have. All I can suggest is that you could go in for medium short lengths to give your face a fuller look. You would be spared from displaying a drab and pulled down appearance! You may go in for a medium short length haircut plus short bangs. Bangs will give your face a fuller look. Let them not cover your forehead totally. Leave them wispy, bouncy and easy on the fall. Bangs will highlight your features and provide them with an altogether differently layered look.
A3:Let me tell you, you don’t need to go bald. I have a solution to get their mouths shut forever and how! You could keep your glory intact with style. All you need to do is to go in for a hairstyle makeover. Bangs for small foreheads is the solution for you. Cut bangs in such a manner that when you part your hair on the side, your bang length appears longer. This will create an illusion of a long forehead. A medium haircut with bangs would be the perfect hairstyle for your forehead. Good luck!

A4: I love the fact that you want some change to enhance your appearance. Why not go in for choppy bangs. By choppy bangs I mean, having asymmetrical bangs. Choppy bangs have the potential to add a definition to your face thereby also giving an illusion of having a higher forehead. You may wear your bangs sleek or leave them wavy. For the rest of the hair, you may style it as per your preference. Tight curls, lose waves or the straight sleek look — go in for any hairstyle you are comfortable with.
This is the end of the FAQ section. I hope you have found this article on useful. So, having read this section, I am sure you have got a clear picture of what kind of hairstyle would be the ideal pick for you.
P.S.-You are now free to challenge the mirror as well! Power to you!