Caring for gray hair should be done with extra efforts, like selecting the right shampoo, conditioner, dye, and other hair care products. Here is an article giving more information on the shampoo for gray hair.
Graying of hair is one of the natural signs of aging. As we age, our hair automatically turn into shades of gray and white color. The main reason behind this change in hair color is due to insufficient production and/or lack of melanin pigment. Depending upon the genetic factor, graying takes place at a certain age. For example, some people experience it in their mid-thirties, while others retain their natural hair color even in their mid-forties.
If it takes place in more than 50 percent of the hair strands before a person turns 40, then it is referred to as premature graying. Considering this it is assumed that, this occurrence is not always related to old age. Whatever be the reason, it is a worrying issue for many beauty conscious people worldwide. No doubt, coloring is an effective method for covering gray hair. But in addition, one should choose the appropriate products so as to prevent other unpleasant problems.
Types of Shampoos
You can find a myriad number of products for gray hair in the market. What is important, is choosing the right ones, like conditioner, color, and the shampoo of course. Following is a list of the preferable shampoos for the same that you can use to maintain a healthy and beautiful mane:
Moisturizing Shampoo
Gray hair look worse and messy, if they are dry and brittle. Hence, in order to prevent such an unpleasant situation, you can make use of a moisturizing shampoo for replenishing the moisture and retaining the natural shine. For dealing with excessive drying, you can also apply leave-in conditioners.
Clarifying Shampoo
If used regularly, clarifying ones help in restoring the hair texture and shine.
Restoring Shampoo
Always opt for shampoos and conditioners that are formulated specifically for gray hair. You can look for those that help in restoring and darkening the hair. Obviously, such products take time to restore the natural color, but they are worth a try.
Omega-3 Rich Shampoo
Many people are of the opinion that pampering gray hair with a omega-3 rich shampoo is effective to restore gray hair. While buying one, make sure that you check the ingredients first and decide whether it will be effective to your mane or not.
Blue Tinted Shampoo
Blue tinted shampoo, either purple or violet colored ones help in preventing the yellowish coloration of gray strands. Thus, you can opt for them so as to keep your hair shiny and prevent a dull texture. While shampooing, you can try mixing equal amounts of a blue tinted one with the regular moisturizing one.
Caring Tips
Apart from using the right shampoo, it is important to practice certain home remedies to prevent premature graying. Some of the tips for care are as follows:
- Do not expose gray hair to harsh sunrays, as it can worsen the condition.
- Follow a balanced diet that is enriched with healthy nutrients for healthy hair.
- Proper management of stress and mental worries.
- Select a hair color that is two shades lighter than your natural hair shade so that it blends well with the gray hair strands.
- Refrain from unhealthy lifestyle habits, like eating fast food, smoking, and excessive alcohol drinking.
If you have dry hair, you can consider using a moisturizing conditioner to keep the hair smooth and at the same time, reduce split ends. In addition to these shampoos, there are also specific oils that are prescribed for preserving the original color.
By following proper hair care tips and using appropriate products, your crowning glory will remain healthy and beautiful throughout. So, go that extra mile and take those extra steps. Good luck!