Beginning its journey in the 80s, perms are making quite a comeback these days. From the fake crimped look to the soft, full-bodied style, HairGlamourista has provided all the information you need to get perms for fine hair.
Styling fine hair is challenging, but you can perm it beautifully with some basic tips. Of course, your hair won’t look straight and without any volume. The basic idea is to give it some life of its own. As fine hair can look dull sometimes, styling it for a special occasion can be a huge task to undertake.
So, in order to help you battle the woes of fine hair once and for all, we will be talking about perming your hair to look gorgeous, full of life, luscious, and healthy. In the following sections, we have provided you essential tips you need to remember before, during, and after getting a perm. So, shall we get started?
Hairstyle Ideas to Perm Your Hair
Keep in mind that everyone has unique hair color and length, and the way you wish to style your hair will also vary drastically. Which is why, before selecting a style for yourself, it is better to consult with an experienced hairstylist beforehand. This way, you won’t be confused at the time of your appointment, and waste your and the stylist’s time. But until you narrow down the choices, here are some suggestions from our side.

Tips to Follow
Those who have thin hair shafts already know how difficult is it to curl or perm hair. Unlike thick hair strands, they do not hold the hair formulations. Another downside is the increased susceptibility to breakage. Even wrapping hair strands to the rods can cause damaging effects. In simple words, conducting the perming process at home is strictly not recommended.
- Before you go to a salon for your appointment, decide the best haircut that suits the hair texture and face shape. As a general rule, fine hair looks at its fullest when it is short and cut at a uniform length. However, the final decision will rest on you and your stylist.
- If you have recently colored your hair, don’t try to perm it immediately. This is because repeated application of chemical products will cause hair dryness, breakage, and thinning. Consult with your stylist on how long should you wait between the two processes.
- Analyze the different types of perms, giving due importance to the procedure and maintenance tips. Do not decide on a style just because it looks good online or on someone else.
- Consult with your stylist to suggest you some styles that will suit your face shape, hair texture, and length.
- While perming your hair, it is best to put hair rollers in a zig-zag parting pattern. The logic is to avoid hair breakage and splits, which are common with straight placing of perming rollers.
- As the waves do not stay long, most stylists suggest a rod to roller perm or transfer perm. The method involves wrapping your hair in small rods, applying solution, leaving for some time, and unwinding your hair after some time. The hair is then wrapped into a roller of specific size and the next steps are carried out.
- Last but not the least, be thorough with the hair care tips that you are supposed to follow after perming. For example, dry your hair by keeping your head in an inverted position and always comb with a wide-toothed brush. Also, deep hair conditioning at regular intervals helps in reducing hair tangling.
On a concluding note, perms should be proceeded with the special solutions which are specifically formulated for your hair type. Failure to do so, and the perm will take its toll on your hair. If things don’t go according to plan, you may need to cut the permed hair portion. Provided that you visit a reputable beauty salon and the process is carried out by a qualified hairstylist, you won’t have to face any adverse effects.