Hair moisturizers are available a dime a dozen, however, to choose the right product for your hair is a task. From cream based hair moisturizers to water based ones and from oil based to spray ones, there are a number of options that you can opt for.
Generally, the African-American hair tends to turn dry, soon after a wash. The dryness is caused due to lower water/oil content in the hair fiber. Generally, the wavy and curly hair strands block the flow of oil to reach the hair roots, leaving the scalp dry and moistureless. Due to dryness, the hair becomes unmanageable and unorganized. It is, therefore, very important to take extra care and use moisturizing agents that would manage and maintain the health of the hair by retaining/providing the needed moisture.
Essential Moisturizing Agents
Moisture can be retained in the hair by using a few essential constituents like avocado oil, keratin, tea tree oil, etc., however, the most important constituent of the product should be water. Look out for the following ingredients in shampoos and conditioners that you use.
These are hygroscopic elements. They attract water from the atmosphere and help retain moisture and rejuvenate hair. A few examples of humectants are honey, glycerin, sugar cane, lecithin, etc. It is important to note that humectants work best in humid conditions. In dry conditions, instead of pulling moisture from the atmosphere, they pull the moisture from the hair; leaving the hair dry!
Tea Tree Oil
The main reason for the scalp to remain dry is because of the blocking of the pores. Tea tree oil unclogs this blockage and helps the oil to reach the hair follicles, retaining the moisture. Also, due to its anti-bacterial and antifungal properties, the scalp becomes healthier. Tea tree oil, when massaged into the scalp, helps in reducing hair fall.
Argan Oil
It is called ‘miracle oil’ by hair experts. This oil retains the moisture in hair by locking it. The fatty acids and sterols that the oil contains, help the scalp to remain moisturized. The oil penetrates deep into the skin and provides moisture.
Avocado Oil
The oil contains amino acids and vitamins that leave the scalp healthier by promoting cell growth. It also protects the hair from the harmful UV rays. You can add a few drops of the oil to your regular shampoo. This will add to the moisturizing effect of the product.
Best Hair Moisturizing Products
If you are in search of the best products, keep in mind the fact that it all depends on the type and texture of hair you have. Generally, moisturizers for natural hair contain protein which nourishes your hair and retains moisture. Organic moisturizers constitute natural ingredients such as olive oil, avocado and jojoba oil, which makes the hair softer.
For proper conditioning of black hair, it is suggested that you use a suitable hair moisturizer, wear a shower cap, and keep it for half hour. This procedure has to be followed once in every two weeks.
Best in the Business
- Neutrogena Triple Moisture Silk Touch Leave-In Cream
- Profectiv Anti-Tangle Leave-in Conditioner Spray
- Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter Hair Moisturizer
- Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Repair Cream
- Pro Naturals Moroccan Argan Oil Hair Treatment
- Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier
- Giovanni Direct Leave-In Conditioner
- Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil
- Ultra Black Hair Lotion Creme Moisturizer
- Black Vanilla Moisturizing Hair Smoothie
Home Hair Masks
The best moisturizers are the ones that are made at home, with the pure and natural ingredients. Banana, honey, avocado, apple cider vinegar, egg, olive oil, jojoba oil are a few natural ingredients that help retain moisture, naturally!
Mask #1
You will need
- Aloe Vera Leaf (1)
- Egg yolk (1)
- Apple Cider Vinegar (½ cup)
- Lavender essential oil*
- Blender
How to prepare
- Chop the aloe vera leaf into small pieces.
- Now, mix these pieces, egg yolk and apple cider vinegar in the blender.
- Add a few drops of the essential oil as well.
How to apply
- Apply the mixture to the length of your hair using your fingers.
- Now cover your hair with a plastic cap and leave it for about 15 minutes.
- If your hair is thick or/and long, let the mixture stay longer.
*You can use any essential oil of your preference.
Mask #2
You will need
- Ripe Avocado (1)
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil (1 tablespoon)
- Egg yolk (1)
- Essential oil (any flavor)
- Blender
How to prepare
- Cut avocado into small pieces, add into the blender along with the other ingredients.
- Mix and blend till no chunks are remaining.
How to apply
- Apply to your hair using fingers.
- Cover it with a plastic cap and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
How to Apply Hair Moisturizers
Applying the moisturizer in the correct manner is as important as choosing the right product. You need to apply moisturizer to your hair everyday or whenever required. If you have shoulder-length hair, a teaspoonful of moisturizer is fine. If you have hair much longer, you would need some more. While moisturizing your hair, you need to ensure that the moisturizer gets applied to every single strand of hair. However, with an intention to apply moisturizer thoroughly to all hair strands, make sure that you do not use too much of the moisturizer. If you use the moisturizer in excess, your hair will become sticky.
If you are not sure about which hair moisturizer is best for your type of hair, you can take professional advice from a hair care expert or a cosmetician. By using these hair care products, one can have well-set, beautiful, and easily manageable hairstyles. Whichever hair care product you choose, simply make sure that it has natural ingredients instead of chemicals.