A staple in salons, rat tail comb, is one of the combs that every woman should own. This HairGlamourista piece covers everything you need to know about a rat tail comb.
Most Effective!
Soak your rat tail in Barbicide solution to remove all the build up and get a squeaky clean brush. Be careful, for this solution can cause eye and skin irritation. So maintain a distance, wear gloves, mask, etc.
The most common place where you’ll find a rat tail comb is in your hair-dresser’s hand. Possibilities are that you’ve seen this comb a thousand times, but you don’t know if it has a celebrated name. It is known as the Rat Tail Comb. It is a hairstyling brush that has a very narrow handle used for sectioning and parting hair.
In order to have healthy hair, you need to have a clean scalp, and hence a clean hairbrush! Imagine not cleaning your brush for months, and combing up your hair with it. This will pile up dirt in the hair, and it may be susceptible to dandruff.
Read on to know how to use a rat tail comb, and more importantly, how to clean it.
What is a Rat Tail Comb?
– It is a hair styling product which has a comb on one end and a sectioning tool on the other.
– It looks like a rat tail, just straightened.
– Its total length is about 8-10 inches.
– It is a very fine-toothed comb i.e., it has very little space between teeth, and the end (handle) is very thin making a point at bottom.
– The comb removes tangles and twists, while the handle sections out the clipped up hair.
– It is usually paired with curling iron or straightening iron to style hair efficiently.
– A Pin tail comb is also known as a rat tail comb. It’s just that it has a pin for sectioning hair. It is most commonly seen in metallic rat tails.
How to Use a Rat Tail Comb
– Separate hair strands at the crown using a rat tail’s pointed end. Now, comb your hair thoroughly to get smooth and tangle-free hair.
– Spray a light coating of hairspray on your comb.
– Now, backcomb your hair. This will give your strands a lovely height.
– Lift a section of hair, the hair that is down to scalp, and continue combing in outward direction.
– Spray your hair with a good styling spirit or hairspray and style as desired.
How to Clean a Rat Tail Comb
– Supplies: You don’t want to search for a toothbrush when you have shampoo spattered on your hands, right? Get all the things that you’ll require for cleaning process. Things you’ll need are:
● Rat Tail Comb
● Sink
● Ammonia
● Shampoo
● Old, clean toothbrush
● Warm water
● Towel
● Your time and efforts
– Taking Out the Hair: Owing to the fine-toothed brush, there’s a possibility that you find hair strands stuck in the bristles. So, firstly you need to remove those to avoid accumulation of dirt.
– This is an optional step. Soak in ammonia and work to remove the grime.
– Shampooing and Removing the Dirt: Dab a drop or two of shampoo on the bristles of an old but clean toothbrush. Put a few drops of water to create lather. You don’t have to dip your rat tail in warm water. Just dampen it with your fingers. Now with the toothbrush, clean the bristles of your comb. Move its bristles in upward-downward fashion to remove all the dirt and build up.
– Drying the Brush: Air dry. You could lay it bristle-side down so that the water drips off, or pat dry with a towel.
Rat Tail Comb Uses
– The most fundamental use of rat tail comb is to section hair precisely.
– It is this comb that Salons make use of, to pull back the crown of hair.
– This brush is also popular for teasing and backcombing. Hence, it is also called “the teasing comb”.
– It adds volume to ponytails and up dos.
– It makes blow-drying and heat-styling easier and quicker, as it parts and sections hair finely.
– The sectioning portion of this comb is widely used for coloring hair strands and while doing chemical treatments.
– Also used to create braids for sewn-in hair extensions.
Some Additional Tips
– Buy a good quality metal rat tail comb. It might be a little costly, but it’s definitely worth the expense.
– You could use white vinegar or baking soda to clean your rat tail comb.
– Never soak your rat tail comb in a vessel of water. This would loosen its bristles.
– Clean weekly.