Depending on your method of styling, twist out on relaxed hair is easily achievable in just a few steps. HairGlamourista gives you details on the technique and how to care for the twist out.
Caring for Relaxed Hair
Don’t make the error of cleaning your hair every 2 – 4 weeks. Instead, wash your hair with shampoo at least 1 – 2 times a month, and co-wash it at least 1 – 2 times a week in between shampoos.
For relaxed or transitioning hair, twist out hair is an easy and excellent style. Instead of spending a lot of time and money in salons, create an amazing hairstyle from the comforts of your home. This style is easily maintained, and can be carried off for any occasion.
Although the two-strand twist on relaxed hair is achievable, it can make your hair appear loose. Instead, go with flat twists that are similar to cornrows. Keeping this in mind, we have put together a step-by-step guideline that will help you accomplish the look you want.
Flat Twist Out on Relaxed Hair
Apart from relaxed hair, this hairstyle works really well on natural hair as well. The two-strand twist can be easily created and looks amazing, regardless of the length (although you can do a three-stand twist out as well). You can give your hair volume or keep it flat, if you like. So, follow the steps mentioned below and see how it changes the way you look and feel.
Step 1
First and foremost, you need to wash and deep condition hair. Next, apply leave-in conditioner to detangle your hair. The conditioner will also make the twists smoother, and easier to handle.
Step 2
Don’t dry your hair completely; in fact, once it is 90% wet or damp, start twisting it. For flat twists, begin to part your hair starting from the hairline till the nape of the neck. Use a rat-tail comb for a straight partition.
Step 3
From the section of hair you just parted, take a small section near the hairline and make 2 equal parts of hair to start twisting.
Step 4
As you twist the strands around each other, you will move back long the parted section. Incorporate the parted section into this twist as you work your way back. Make sure you’re applying enough tension (not too tight) so that it doesn’t hurt you or damage the hair follicles.
Step 5
Keep twisting your hair until you reach the tips and use barrettes to secure it. For women with longer hair, once you move away from the scalp, use a small butterfly clip to secure the ends of the twists.
Step 6
Apply the same method over the entire head. You can either twist your hair straight back, or be creative while parting your hair in any direction you like.
Step 7
Instead of keeping the twists in overnight, once your hair is completely dry, use your fingers to untangle the twists and style your hair. Use a little bit of hairspray to keep the hair in place, and you’re good to go.
How to Make a Twist Out Last Longer
As this hairstyle doesn’t demand hot styling tools, it is automatically a healthier option for your hair. Plus, you don’t have to worry about restyling and retouching your hair for days at a time. But of course, there are a few tips that will help you care for twist outs, and make it last longer.
Avoid twisting your hair when it’s 100% wet, or right after you step out of the shower; dripping wet hair is more prone to breakage.
For defined twists, apply a combination of shea or mango butter and gel to your hair. This will lock in the moisture in your hair, and make the twists appear softer.
Smaller twist out is better, and more defined than the bigger twists. Plus, the hairstyle will stay put for about 3 – 5 days.
While you’re working on one twisting a section, don’t borrow either big or small hair strands from anywhere; it’ll ruin the look.
Keep each section of the twists as close as possible. If the twists are further apart from each other, it’ll make your hair frizzy and the style won’t last long.
Re-moisturize the twist out by spritzing little bit of moisturizer all over it.
If you have medium to long hair, loop about 10 – 12 big, loose twists and cover it with a satin bonnet. This will help keep the twists intact till morning.
If you’re short on time and have to do the style on dry hair, there is a quicker way. Detangle your hair with your fingers, and not a brush or comb. Apply a leave-in conditioner or shea butter to each section of hair to bring the moisture in. Next, twist your hair in the same manner as mentioned above, and wait until your hair is completely dry before you untangle the twists. As every individual’s hair is unique, such as texture, length, etc., the results may vary.