As the name suggests, these shampoos help to get rid of chlorine out of the hair, that accumulates when swimming in chlorinated pools. The following HairGlamourista article provides information about brands that sell these shampoos.
When hair come in contact with chlorine, excessive dryness occurs within a couple of days after exposure. Chlorine also make the hair brittle, giving them a smelly odor. Apart from making the hair dry, chlorine imparts a green color to the hair. Swimmers with silver hair find an unusual change in hair color after swimming in chlorinated pools. In order to clear chlorine deposits accumulated in the hair, one should have a shower with a chlorine removal shampoo.
Chlorine Removal Shampoos
Clarifying Shampoo
This is one shampoo that is commonly used after swimming, to treat chlorine-exposed hair. To retain the lost moisture, use a clarifying shampoo, containing EDTA. Swimmers generally go for Kenra clarifying shampoo, that is found to be effective to transform dry hair into lustrous, shiny hair.
This is yet another shampoo that can clean the hair of chlorine, leaving them healthy and soft. Regular swimmers prefer to use this shampoo, to restore the lost moisture of chlorine-damaged hair.
Herbal Essences
Another approach to save hair from ill-effects of chlorine is to use a shampoo that is sold under the brand ‘Herbal Essences’. This is one of the products that can work wonders to remove those troublesome chlorine deposits. Besides deep cleaning, the shampoo provides a long-lasting fragrance to the hair. The pure natural ingredients in Herbal Essences moisturize the hair gently, making it soft and silky.
Pantene Pro V
To combat hair problems caused due to chlorine exposure, many swimmers also use Pantene Pro V. Say ‘goodbye’ to dullness in hair, caused as a result of chlorine contact, by using this shampoo. For healthy hair and to get that ‘envious’ shine, Pantene Pro V will certainly serve the purpose.
Tips to Reduce Chlorine Induced Hair Problems
An easy way to prevent or minimize chlorine buildup on the hair, is to have a quick shower before swimming. There is no need to use a shampoo or soap. Simply, soaking the hair in clean water, reduces its ability to absorb chlorine, while swimming. Also, after swimming, using only warm water may help to remove chlorine.
On the whole, swimming everyday does not mean shampooing hair daily. This is absolutely not required and regarded as an unnecessary habit. Using a shampoo to get chlorine out of your hair, twice a week, is more than sufficient to protect the hair from hazardous effects of chlorine.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.